Well-Balanced Family Chiropractic Singapore

Meet Our Team

We are a team of passionate individuals who aim to provide the best possible chiropractic care to the members of our community.

Our goal is to offer transformative healing experiences and create positive changes in our patients’ lives.

At our chiropractic clinic, we truly believe that building a sense of community and providing exceptional care is key to helping our patients achieve optimum health and wellness.

We want our patients to feel like they are part of our family, and we strive to create a warm and welcoming environment where everyone feels supported and cared for throughout their healing journey with us.

Chiropractor - Jason

Jason Ma


Hi there, I’m Jason! I was born and raised in Hong Kong before moving to the UK at 16 to pursue my education and career aspirations. After spending over a decade there, I decided to take on a new challenge and moved to Singapore in 2020. It was definitely a big leap, but I’ve absolutely got no regrets, and I feel grateful to have been able to serve the community in the east ever since then (Yes. East side, best side!).

As a chiropractor, I’m constantly learning to perfect my adjusting skills and stay up-to-date with the latest knowledge in order to provide the most effective care for my patients. Over the years, I’ve had the opportunity to train under coaches from both Europe and the USA, gaining certification in extremity adjusting, paediatric care, RockTape kinesiology taping, and more. I’m truly passionate about working with children, as I firmly believe that it’s better to build strong children than to repair broken adults. Through the power of chiropractic, I want you to not only have less pain but also sleep better, perform better, have more energy, better relationships, and better quality of life!

During my downtime, I enjoy staying active through basketball and swimming. I also have a great passion for aquascaping, which I find truly therapeutic. This hobby requires a lot of patience and care, and it brings me a sense of inner peace that ultimately translates into better care for my patients.

Yen Ee Tan


Hi everyone, Yen Ee here! I’m originally from Malaysia but have been living in Singapore for a while now. I’ve been lucky enough to serve the communities in both the east and central parts of Singapore over the past few years. I discovered my passion for chiropractic during my high school years when my dad suffered from a slipped disc. Witnessing how chiropractic care helped him recover from a longstanding condition, I decided to pursue a career in this field and graduated with a Master of Science in Chiropractic from AECC University College, UK.

Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of helping people of all ages, from just a few days old babies to seniors in their nineties. As a chiropractor, I believe in taking a holistic approach to healthcare, addressing not just the symptoms but also the root cause of the problem. I truly believe that chiropractic care can do wonders for your body and mind. It’s not just about relieving pain, it’s about improving your overall wellbeing. 

One of my favourite things to do is helping expectant mothers through their pregnancy journey. As a certified Webster practitioner, I can help ease your discomforts, including back pain and sciatica, while providing advice on exercise, nutrition, and stress management. I’m here to help you have a healthy and comfortable pregnancy. In addition to being Webster certified, I’m also certified in various chiropractic techniques, including extremity adjusting, instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilisation (IASTM), paediatric care, rehabilitative exercise and more. I truly love my job as a chiropractor, and there is nothing more rewarding than seeing my patients improve their quality of life through chiropractic care.

When I’m not busy taking care of patients, I enjoy playing badminton and practising yoga to help me stay healthy and relieve any stress that comes my way. Cooking and baking are also great stress-relievers for me. I love experimenting with nutritious recipes and sharing them with my patients! Moreover, I enjoy travelling as it allows me to explore different cultures and lifestyles, providing me with invaluable perspectives and insights. By integrating these experiences into my practice, I’m able to offer a more holistic approach to healthcare.

Your Well-being is Our Top Priority

If you are looking for a safe, effective, and natural way to address your health concerns, book an appointment now and experience the benefits of chiropractic care for yourself.