Well-Balanced Family Chiropractic Singapore

Paediatric Care

At our chiropractic clinic, we understand the importance of taking care of the whole family’s health. This includes paediatric care for infants, toddlers, and children. Our team of experienced chiropractors is committed to providing safe and effective treatments for children of all ages.

Paediatric Care

Children may experience a range of conditions that could benefit from chiropractic care. These include:

  • Birth trauma: The process of birth can put a lot of pressure on a baby’s delicate spine, potentially causing misalignments.
  • Developmental delays: Delayed crawling or walking can lead to muscle imbalances and spinal misalignments.
  • Sports injuries: Children who play sports may experience injuries that affect their spine and musculoskeletal system.
  • Poor posture: Poor posture habits can start at a young age, leading to pain and discomfort later in life.
  • Scoliosis: Scoliosis is a condition where the spine curves abnormally, which can cause pain and discomfort, it is commonly developed / worsen during growth spurts.


Symptoms of these conditions can vary, but may include:

Difficulty breastfeeding or latching

Excessive crying or fussiness

Delayed developmental milestones



Back or neck pain

Torticollis (twisted neck)

If your child is experiencing any of these symptoms, it may be a sign that they could benefit from chiropractic care.

How we can help


Our team of chiropractors has extensive experience working with children of all ages. We use gentle, non-invasive techniques to address spinal misalignments and other issues that may be affecting your child’s health.

Step 1: Diagnosis

Our experienced chiropractors will conduct a thorough history taking and physical examination to determine the cause of your child’s issue and whether chiropractic care is suitable. X-rays are normally not required for children under 12 unless it is clinically indicated (e.g., suspected fracture).

Step 2: Personalised Care

Care plan is tailored specifically to your child’s need, that may include the following:

Chiropractic Adjustments

Soft Tissue Therapy

Rehab Exercises

Lifestyle Modifications

Step 3: Wellness Care

After completing the initial care plan, you have the option to continue with wellness care to maintain your child’s results and make sure their body is growing and functioning at its best. Most people visit us every 2-4 weeks depending on their lifestyles.

If you’re looking for safe and effective chiropractic care for your child, our clinic is here to help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced chiropractors.