Well-Balanced Family Chiropractic Singapore

Rehab Exercises


What is Rehab Exercises?

Rehabilitation exercises, which encompass a variety of techniques such as stretching, resistance training, and cardiovascular exercise, are specifically designed to improve range of motion, strength, flexibility, and balance. At Well-Balanced Family Chiropractic, our chiropractors will prescribe rehab exercises as part of the comprehensive care plan. Our chiropractors will guide and support individuals throughout their rehab exercise journey, providing proper instruction, monitoring progress, and making necessary adjustments to the exercise program as needed. 

Why Rehab Exercises?

The ultimate goal of rehab exercises is to help individuals regain their physical abilities and enable them to lead a more active and fulfilling life. Rehab exercises not only aid in recovering from injuries or medical conditions but also serve as preventative measures to reduce the risk of future injuries and enhance long-term physical well-being.

Commonly Asked Questions

Chiropractic care has been shown to provide long-term relief for many individuals suffering from musculoskeletal conditions, such as back pain, neck pain, and headaches. By addressing the root cause of the problem and not just the symptoms, chiropractors aim to promote overall wellness and prevent future issues from arising. However, the effectiveness of chiropractic care varies from person to person and depends on various factors such as the severity of the condition, overall health, and lifestyle habits. With ongoing chiropractic care, patients may experience long-term benefits such as increased mobility, improved posture, reduced inflammation, and enhanced overall well-being.

Chiropractic care is focused on diagnosing and treating misalignments in the spine and other joints, also known as subluxations. Chiropractors use manual adjustments to realign the spine and restore proper function to the nervous system, which can improve overall health and well-being. Chiropractors also emphasise the importance of preventative care and lifestyle modific ations to prevent future injuries and maintain optimal health.

Physiotherapy, on the other hand, is focused on treating physical impairments and disabilities through exercises, manual therapy, and other modalities. Physiotherapists aim to restore function, mobility, and independence to individuals with injuries or chronic conditions. They also provide education and guidance on injury prevention and management.

At our clinic, our chiropractors not only provide expert spinal adjustments and personalised care plans, but also have extensive experience in rehabilitation exercises. This allows us to provide a holistic approach to care and help patients achieve optimal results in both pain relief and long-term health and wellness.

While both chiropractic adjustments and physiotherapy can be effective in treating musculoskeletal conditions, they approach caret from different perspectives.It is important to note that each individual and their condition is unique, and the best care option may vary depending on their specific needs and preferences.

X-rays are often used in chiropractic care to help diagnose and evaluate musculoskeletal conditions. They allow the chiropractor to see the alignment of the spine, severity of your conditions, identify any underlying/potential problems or abnormalities, and tailor a care plan specifically to your needs. 

There are certain situations where X-rays may not be appropriate, such as pregnancy or young children. In these cases, we will use alternative methods to assess the patients.

To see is to know. Not to see is to guess. We don’t guess when it comes to your health.

Chiropractic adjustments are generally safe and comfortable for most patients. Some patients may experience mild discomfort or soreness following an adjustment, but this is usually temporary and can be managed with ice or heat therapy. It is important to communicate any concerns or discomfort to your chiropractor during the adjustment process so they can adjust their technique accordingly. Overall, chiropractic adjustments should not be painful or cause excessive discomfort. At our clinic, we prioritise patient comfort and will work with you to ensure a positive and pain-free experience.

Chiropractic care is a safe and effective way to treat various musculoskeletal conditions, including neck pain. Neck adjustments, also known as cervical manipulations, are commonly used by chiropractors to relieve pain and stiffness in the neck.

While there have been some reports of adverse effects associated with neck adjustments, such as rare cases of stroke, these incidents are extremely rare. In fact, research has shown that the risk of experiencing a serious adverse event from a neck adjustment is about 1 in 5.85 million.

Chiropractors are highly trained and skilled in performing neck adjustments safely and effectively. They will perform a thorough evaluation of your condition and medical history to determine if neck adjustments are appropriate for you. If you have any concerns about neck adjustments or chiropractic care in general, don’t hesitate to discuss them with our chiropractor.

Overall, neck adjustments are a safe and effective treatment option for many patients with neck pain. If you are experiencing neck pain or stiffness, consider seeing a chiropractor for a consultation.

Chiropractic care is a natural and safe approach to health and wellness that can benefit people of all ages, from babies to the elderly. At our clinic, we believe that chiropractic care is an effective way to treat a wide range of health conditions and promote overall wellness for people of all ages.

Babies and young children can benefit greatly from chiropractic care. The birthing process can often cause misalignments in a newborn’s spine, leading to health issues such as colic, reflux, and ear infections. Our gentle and safe chiropractic adjustments can help alleviate these issues and improve your child’s overall health and development.

As we age, our bodies go through various changes that can result in pain and discomfort. Chiropractic care can help alleviate pain and improve mobility in older adults, as well as improve their overall quality of life.