Well-Balanced Family Chiropractic Singapore

Sleeping Positions for Better Sleep: Finding Your Ideal Posture

A good night’s sleep is essential for our overall well-being, and the position we sleep in can significantly impact the quality of our rest. In this article, we’ll explore the best sleeping positions that promote better sleep and contribute to a healthier, more energized you. Let’s dive into the science-backed insights to help you find your ideal sleeping posture.

different sleeping positions in diagram

Back Sleeping: The Soldier Position

Sleeping on your back with your arms and legs spread out, resembling a soldier, is considered one of the best sleeping positions for most people. This position allows your spine, neck, and head to rest in a neutral alignment, reducing the risk of strain and promoting better breathing. For added support, consider using a pillow under your knees to maintain the natural curve of your lower back.

Sleeping with your arms above your head can cause numbness by cutting off circulation to your hands. Avoid folding your arms under your pillow while you sleep, as the weight of your head can put pressure on your wrists or elbows and compress a nerve. Instead, try to keep your arms relaxed at your sides to promote better blood flow and reduce the risk of discomfort during the night.


Side Sleeping: Embrace the Fetal Position

Many people find comfort in sleeping on their side, particularly in the fetal position with knees tucked towards the chest. This position can alleviate pressure on the lower back and ease snoring for those who are prone to it. To support your body properly, use a medium-firm pillow to keep your head aligned with your spine, preventing neck strain.


Stomach Sleeping: Proceed with Caution

Sleeping on your stomach can be less ideal for your spine as it may strain your neck and lower back. However, if this is your preferred position, consider using a thin pillow or no pillow at all to avoid excessive neck rotation. Additionally, placing a pillow under your hips can help maintain a more natural spinal alignment.


Combination Sleeping: Finding Balance

Many of us change positions throughout the night, and that’s completely normal. The key to combination sleeping is ensuring you’re comfortable and that your spine is well-supported in each position. Experiment with pillows of different shapes and sizes to find what works best for you.



While the best sleeping position can vary from person to person, maintaining a neutral spine alignment is crucial for a restful night’s sleep. Whether you’re a back sleeper, side sleeper, or prefer the fetal position, the goal is to minimize strain on your spine and enhance your overall sleep quality. At Well-Balanced Family Chiropractic, we understand the importance of proper sleep posture, and our team of chiropractors can offer personalised guidance to help you achieve a good night’s rest. Embrace the power of a supportive sleep position, and experience the rejuvenating benefits it brings to your daily life. Book now to start your journey to better sleep and overall well-being.