Well-Balanced Family Chiropractic Singapore

Slipped Disc

Slipped disc, also known as a herniated disc or a bulging disc, is a common condition that can cause pain, numbness, and weakness in the back, arms and legs. It occurs when the soft tissue inside a spinal disc pushes out through a tear or weakened area in the disc’s outer layer.

Slipped Disc


Age-related wear and tear

As we age, the spinal discs lose some of their water content and become less flexible and more prone to tearing.


A sudden injury or trauma, such as a fall or car accident, can cause a disc to slip or herniate.

Poor posture and body mechanics

Prolonged sitting, standing, or lifting with poor posture can place excessive stress on the spinal discs and increase the risk of herniation.

Sedentary lifestyle

Our spinal discs absorb water and nutrients mainly from the pumping action during movement. Lack of motion can speed up disc degeneration.


  • No symptoms: Most of the time, when the disc bulge is small, it does not cause any symptoms, that’s why it is important to get checked before it becomes severe.
  • Severe pain: The most common symptom of a slipped disc is pain that may be localised to the back or radiate to the legs or arms, depending on the location of the herniated disc.
  • Numbness and tingling: Pressure on nerves from a herniated disc can cause numbness and tingling in the affected area.
  • Weakness: A herniated disc may cause weakness in the affected area, such as difficulty lifting objects or standing on tiptoes.
  • Loss of sensation: The sensation in a particular area may be reduced or loss depends on which nerve is affected.
  • Loss of bowel and bladder control: This is a severe condition and it requires immediate medical attention.

How we can help

Step 1: Diagnosis

At Well-Balanced Family Chiropractic, our experienced chiropractors will review your medical history, lifestyle and conduct a thorough physical examination to determine the cause of your pain and whether chiropractic care is suitable for you. X-rays will be reviewed to identify the root cause and severity of your condition which is key to developing your personalised care plan.

Step 2: Personalised Care

Your care plan is tailored specifically to your condition, that may include the followings:

Chiropractic Adjustments

Soft Tissue Therapy

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) Therapy

Spinal Orthotics Therapy

Rehab Exercises

Lifestyle Modifications

Step 3: Wellness Care

After completing your initial care plan, you have the option to continue with wellness care to maintain your results and make sure your body is functioning at its best. Most patients visit us every 2-4 weeks depending on their lifestyles.